• Organic Proof  Company.
  • Proved as GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices) by Uttrakhand Ayurvedic corporation.
  • Proved as WHO GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices) & GPP(Good Packaging Practices).
  • Proved as ISO 22000:2005,ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP.
IMC has presented Organic,Ayurvedic,Paitentid,Herbal,Health,butey,Personal Care and many chore products first time in India.Products of IMC are of best quality ,are at the level of International are guaranteed and are ecofriendly.We don't use fats of animal in it .There are Bio-Pharmesist,Ayurvedic Doctors,Professors,Scientist and famous advisor in IMC.

Your Most Welcome in IMC Private limited
  • The aim of our company is to make people free from deseases and make man rich.
  • You can also live for 100 years and can be rich and can fulfil your desires or dreams.
Do You Know ,According to the world health organization(W.H.O) :-
  • The reason of 70% death is heart attack,Stroke,Cancer and Sugar.
  • 50% reason of death is related to Unhealthy Food.
  • 80 carore people are in the problem of pain in joints,Arthritis and desease of  back bone.
  • In the World India is called "Capital Of Diabetes"
  • Upto 2020 half of the world's Heart patients will be found in INDIA.
  • 20% people due to the side effect of Alopathic are in Hospital.
  • 85% people are Unhealthy.10% people are weak. Only 5% people are said to be Healthy.
  • Our heart pumps 8000 kilo Bloods .
  • Today pollution is effecting us on around.Everything Air,Water and Food is polluted.
  • Various types chemicals and pesticides are sprinkled on Vegetables and fruits Hence Vitamins and proteins of these elements are also decreasing.
  • We are consuming 147 to 7218 percent pesticide everyday.
Friends IMC is presenting a fabulous ,very interesting BUSINESS:
    In this business you can do part time or full time work without any investment .You can do this work with the help of your friends or with your relatives and you can earn a handsome amount of money.
      If you have to do job so you have to study for 20-25 years and after that you must have experience of 3-4 yrs after that you start to do the job for 10 - 15 thousands per month.Whether the job may be private or government by the limited amount we have to pass our life by killing our dreams.
    If you have to do your own business so it requires big amount of money , experience in work, place and study etc.You can not feel stress free in business and there there is also no guarantee of successful in business after doing work for 12 to 14 hrs daily.Whatever you do once if  you leave to go in your job or business ....Your Earning will also Stopped.....

  But in IMC's Business You can do this business by giving your 1-2 hrs time along with your own work and You can Earn a good Income.
But Question is here in this business of IMC from where money will come?
        You purchase your daily use products from the shopkeeper from market , Shopkeeper from Wholesaler,wholesaler from Dealer,dealer from Distributor and Distributor purchase products from company and every Company for the selling of its products uses the advertisements.Stars work in advertisements and earn Billions of money.
   The product which is extracted from company for only 30 or 40 rs we get that by 100 rs due to these mediator and rest 60-70 rs distributed among these mediator.
    Now this work you have to do for your IMC company.Earlier people were making money cause of you Now you have to be a rich person.60 -70 rs which was distributed among these person that money IMC distributes to you and your associatives.

The world's first Billionaire M.J pal getty has given some principles to be a rich man:-
  1. You do your own business , don't work as employer.
  2. Do the business of daily used products of man.
  3. Help others in your business, make them rich , you will be rich by your own.
  4. your income should not depend on one person . It should be by many people , Means it is better to earn 1 rs by 100 person than earning 100 rs by a single man.

                           FOR JOINING YOU CAN CONTACT ME .....
                           Email id:-ganamika875@gmail.com
               For More Information you can visit this site :http://www.imcbusiness.com     
